April 19, 2010

Late to the Party...

OK, y'all, I came late to the party, but now I'm hooked. "On what?" You might ask. "To what could our dear, sweet blogger be addicted? To some illicit drug?" (Perish the thought.) "To cupcakes?" (Well, I am excited about the free cupcake (!) coupon I found in my office mailbox from Just Cakes, but sadly, no, that's not what I'm talking about.)

"Well what on earth are you talking about?" you might be asking in your best exasperated but intrigued voice. Find out after the jump...

It's Polyvore!

Oh my god, you guys, this is way too much fun. You search, click and drag, and put together outfits. I get overwhelmed by too much choice, so I've been making up characters and creating mostly vintage-inspired looks for them, like "Tea Time":

And "Heiress, 1950s":

But I also put an outfit together for potential Gala-going:

So much fun. I've been doing this for the last two hours. It's all about the fantasy: who could I be? What could I be? Where? Imagine the implications for costume designers!

I love what Jezebel did with the site, too. However, while the editors look at it as a marker of conspicuous consumption, I question whether most of the people on the site are using it to put together thousand-dollar outfits they'd actually wear, or whether most look at their creations, like I do, as works of fantasy. It's an electronic paper doll, one on whom you don't actually see the body--and, unlike fashion models, who are supposed to be walking embodiments of clothes hangers, this site really IS all about the clothes. It's the next coming of Fashion Plates--which were, I think we can all agree, amazing.

Yes, the clothes on the site are mostly very expensive. But I've found pieces from a few indie sellers, as well as Target so far. And all of this without the threat of having to buy something because I just happened to find it in my hand. (What can I say? I like to touch fabrics.) And also: pretty!

I think I'm hooked.

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