March 6, 2010

Thirty and Fabulous

I have decided to fulfill the title and mission statement of this blog by going forward and turning thirty. I know what you're saying: "But, our dear, sweet blogger! You look far too young to be reaching such a milestone. Also, don't you know that thirty sucks, as evidenced by the lollipops on the bar at Hollie's birthday party?"

And to that, I say, "Oh, hush, you!"

I am seriously excited about turning thirty. I promised myself that when I hit that milestone, I would stop using my age as an excuse for anything. No more, "I'm too young to..." (fill in the blanks: ask for a raise, market myself as a freelance dramaturg, negotiate a contract, get published, and so on). The celebration starts tonight with a party, and the official countdown starts at midnight. I'll be thirty exactly a week from tomorrow. But since people started wishing me a happy birthday yesterday afternoon, I've decided to start calling myself thirty already.

I think this is going to be a very good year.

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