March 14, 2010

Countdown to Thirty: Zero Hour!

That's right, folks: your intrepid blogger is officially thirty years old! As of 1:44 this afternoon! Mom and dad have been called and thanked.

It's been a great day so far. I've been doing essentially nothing, which I don't get to do a whole lot of. Later, I'll be seeing SOOS Sr.'s original play Eulogy. Then, back home for a fantastic meal by my favorite home chef.

Right now, I'm watching Sixteen Candles. No one's forgotten my birthday (geez, the celebration's already been going for over a week), and there will be no panty-showings at any school dances today. But I will be having cake with a great guy named Jake! Just like Samantha Baker's sweet sixteen, I don't see any physical changes--not that I would know what that would look like at thirty; Samantha was expecting something very definite in the area of her chest--and to be fair, I don't really feel any differently than I did yesterday at 29.

But there's a sense of pride that goes with knowing...something...I'm not sure what. That (thank god) I'm not a teenager any more? That (thank god) I'm closer to figuring out who I am than I ever have been before? That (thank god) I'm happier with where I am in my life than I was ten years ago?

Whatever it is, it's pretty good.

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